Handmade guitars and other objects crafted from ethically-sourced woods
Craftmanship, sustainability and music - good for the soul
Whilst working as a town planner I found my life extremely stressful, my health was suffering. I was making guitars as a hobby at this point, I decided to down the scale ruler and pick up the square, building my own workshop at home. I now had a personal space in order to delve deeper into the world of luthiery.

Where I am now:
My workshop is complete and sufficiently tooled to build guitars. I’ve developed my methods, an assortment of moulds and jigs and stockpiled a large amount of local timber for the future. Shortly following the hurricane that hit Jersey in 2023, I reached out to the local community to try and collect as much downed timber as possible. I have processed what I have picked up so far but there’s more to come. I featured on the local news - https://www.bailiwickexpress.com/news/new-lease-life-trees-felled-storm/ with my efforts to return some of the donated timber in the form of handmade items from the wood itself.
Production is underway, having sold my first project and I have a further 3 commissions in construction. I’ve donated a few guitars and am now confident in my building capability. Please book a free consultation if you are interested in purchasing a custom handmade guitar.

Book a Consultation
We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.